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on Jun 24, 2024


There have been noticeable changes in the Ukrainian army throughout the full-scale war. What changes are these? Has anything become better or worse?

The pace of change is relatively slow. Although the war and attitudes toward it have transformed, the leadership with Soviet roots remains unchanged. Such leaders must be replaced, which is supported by the facts. All battalion and brigade commanders who are 48-50 years old should be removed from their leadership positions. Unfortunately, they are stuck in the past, lacking originality and creativity in favor of following outdated standards. To succeed in war and avoid dying while pursuing victory, one must be crafty, creative, and able to work with others. Following textbooks to succeed will not be enough, especially regarding complex tactical actions.

What are the current relations between the leadership and ordinary soldiers? Please tell us more about this.

Relationships and individuals' personalities greatly influence success in warfare. Within my unit, I have cultivated bonds that allow me to determine how to execute the tasks allotted to me autonomously. From the outset, I clarified that I would not blindly follow instructions. I am provided with the end goal; the methods of achieving it are my prerogative and need not concern the leadership. During my three years on the front line, I have consistently demonstrated that my approach is effective and successful.

Please tell us how you generally assess the Ukrainian military's support level from ordinary people and the diaspora. Are they doing enough for the Ukrainian army?

I can only speak for my unit, but our relations with the diaspora are really close, and this helps us significantly. As for other units, I am not aware of how the diaspora helps them, but we do feel the support. Similarly, regarding the civilian population of Ukraine, I only know this information from my unit and will not disseminate it.

However, support has noticeably decreased over the last 9-10 months. Previously, when I posted photos on Facebook, I could raise from 40 to 60 thousand hryvnias with just two posts. The last fundraiser I did about four weeks ago was also ordinary and aimed at repairing vehicles since our unit requires significant funds for effective operation. Unfortunately, this fundraiser collected only 4700 hryvnias in a week. War, like any business, needs investment to achieve results.

And what may this be related to? Why has people's activity decreased?

I recently discovered that humans can adapt to even the most challenging conditions. During a vacation abroad on the beautiful island of Madeira, I was so captivated by the place that I even considered relocating there permanently. While traveling between Ukraine, Poland, and other locations, I came to understand that people are exhausted by the ongoing war. However, it's important to point out that the diaspora remains very interested in supporting Ukraine, and this support is crucial. It demonstrates the importance of maintaining connections and collaborating during difficult times. photo_2024-06-24_14-18-08.jpg

For example, the Ukrainian World Congress actively supports your unit. Can you give an example of something UWC provided that was useful to you? How has UWC's help changed the situation for you?

I haven't been able to keep track of the amount of items transferred to us as I'm constantly occupied with combat matters. However, the delivery of drones you mentioned arrived at a crucial time and in the required quantity, essential for maintaining our operational efficiency on the battlefield.

As someone directly involved in the defense of the Kharkiv region, how do you assess the current circumstances?

Unfortunately, corruption schemes still exist in Ukraine. If we had properly built the defense line, the Russians would not have come here. We have not built fortifications for 2.5 years or even ten years. Resources and materials are available, but there is potential misappropriation. It seems like some political game or exchange, and no command was given to build these fortifications.

If we continue the conversation about Kharkiv, why do you think the enemy has become more active in this direction? Why specifically Vovchansk?

It is technically convenient for the adversary. They aim to encircle Kharkiv in this manner, and then they will attempt to encircle the city and initiate negotiations. Vovchansk is currently a crucial logistics hub.

Are Russians as stupid as they seem? Do we evaluate them objectively?

I consider them intelligent, expert, and quick-learning creatures, although others may evaluate them differently. They learn incredibly fast and have different motivations than we do. While we have democracy, they have autocracy. It is relatively easy to manage an army in an autocracy. They have units that shoot at retreaters, follow them, and prevent retreat. Some services systematically suppress soldiers, and they have a large number of soldiers. Contrary to the media's portrayal, they are not unintelligent. They have a lot of people and are quite smart.

You said that they adapt very quickly. How has their approach to the war changed during the full-scale war?

They have extensively organized military-industrial complexes, allocating state funds to their development. They have notably expanded the production of drones. The nature of warfare has changed significantly; we are living in the future.

The concept of the Terminator seemed implausible 20 years ago; today, we witness machines competing with one another. Airborne drones engage ground-based drones armed with machine guns. For instance, an enemy ground drone on tracks, operated by a controller, advances towards our positions, only to be targeted and hit by an FPV drone, also operated by a controller.

This war is a battle of machines and robots. We are undeniably living in remarkable times. Substantial changes and extraordinary technological advancements characterize this era. photo2024-06-2414-18-50-2.jpg

Do we need to fight until Russia is completely destroyed so that there are no more repeated offensives? Or do you think that signing some agreement could stop them?

A peace agreement will not stop them forever. It may delay them for 5, 20, or even 40 years. But considering their imperial ambitions, they need to have everything around them under control. They number 140 million, while we are approximately 36 million. We are on the same level if we compare the percentage ratio of educated people and those who are less knowledgeable. We have many graduates from higher educational institutions, and they do, too. We have many people who think illogically, and there are many of them. Just as we have many who engage in business, they do, too. And due to their large territory, they have more opportunities for business development.

Although controlled, they have many resources in the same situation here. We also have corruption, and all power is concentrated in the hands of the elite. The problem is similar here and there—this war. If there had been no corruption in Ukraine, we may not have had a war. We could become a very prosperous state. We wouldn't even need Europe. We would be important to Europe if we did not have corruption.

Putin has removed Shoigu from his position. We can expect them to appoint someone even more ruthless, worsening our situation. What are your thoughts?

Shoigu has been relieved of his military logistics and supply duties and will now focus solely on military operations. A capable individual has taken his place, and we anticipate innovative advancements in troop supply using the latest technologies, particularly due to the young and creative team involved.

The new appointee has a track record of successfully managing large development projects. If he formulates an effective strategy, it will pose an even more significant challenge for us. This situation is already complex and will become even more difficult.

As a result, it is crucial to prepare thoroughly and not underestimate the adversary. We must take this matter seriously.

**Also, mobilization is a highly pertinent issue for Ukrainian society at present. What is your idea of a successful and proper mobilization?

Our small team of 20 staff members has been operating at only 40% capacity in the last four months. During this time, two new women joined our unit, followed by another the next day. These individuals chose to join our unit because they witnessed the effective teamwork and high-quality results we produce. ** We all benefit from this collaboration, and it's clear that if military service were free from corruption and dishonesty at a state level, more people would be willing to serve.

What would you like to convey to people who will read this interview?

I want readers of this interview to continue their personal growth. Those who do not progress are merely creatures, not people.



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Ukrainians are fighting to stay alive! Join their fight for freedom.