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on Sep 23, 2022

General Wesley Clark Interviewed by the Economist Podcast - Unite With Ukraine

General Wesley Clark, one of the members of the Unite With Ukraine Strategic Advisory Council, was interviewed for The Economist magazine’s podcast. The episode is focused on the news of Ukraine’s remarkable turnaround and the retreat of Russian troops. In only a few days, the Ukrainian army liberated 6,000 square kilometers of territory–more than Russia had seized in the previous five months.

Soldiers on a tank in a red hue

The Ukrainian army has shown that it is more than capable of being trained to use this new weaponry and therefore, now is not the time to take away support but rather, General Clark points out that this is the time to be sending more support to Ukraine. He said that, “the best time to win this war is NOW, not in a year’s time, not in two years” therefore the pressure on the Russian army must be kept up and the best way to do this is to keep supporting the Ukrainian army.

General Clark also discussed the differences between the Russian and Ukrainian armies. Whereas the Ukrainian army places heavy importance on each individual soldiers’ courage, creativity and wellbeing, including ensuring they are well-trained and well-rested, the Russian army places more importance on high tech weaponry and thinks that this will be enough to win this war. The problem is that there are not enough Russians that can handle this equipment and therefore it is significantly hard to deal with losses. General Clark made clear that even if a mass-mobilization effort takes place in Russia, it is going to take a long time to train all these new soldiers and the effects of this will not be seen for many months.

Finally, General Clark made it clear that once the war is over – which will only happen once Putin realizes that there is nothing he can do to win – Ukraine must be allowed to join NATO as that is one of the only ways of ensuring its future safety and protection from any further illegal Russian attacks.

The entire episode is available at this link:

Spread The Word, Save The Defenders!

The strength, resilience, and perseverance of the ‘Defenders of Ukraine’ remains steadfast in the face of the invaders but they continue to need your support, and they need it TODAY!


Change the course of the war

Those are just some of the major developments we have been working on this week. We will continue to keep you updated on our efforts and we thank all those who have donated, supported, and partnered with us so far – you are saving lives!!


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"Birds of Freedom – Птахи Свободи" we have raised an impressive $223,016.12 USD!

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UWC President meets with Commander of Ukraine's Ground Forces

UWC President meets with Commander of Ukraine's Ground Forces

on Sep 13, 2024



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