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on Feb 13, 2024

The second event of the "Invincible When United" fundraising tour

The second event of the "Invincible When United" fundraising tour, a collaborative initiative by the Ukrainian World Congress in conjunction with the Serhiy Prytula Charity Foundation, took place on February 12th at the Orthodox Cathedral Byron Event Centre in Ottawa. Attended by several hundred individuals, the event served as a platform for constructive dialogue between the public and speakers, namely Serhiy Prytula and Andrew Potichnyj, director of Unite With Ukraine initiative by Ukrainian World Congress.


Structured as a community forum, attendees were given the opportunity to engage directly with the speakers, asking questions about a variety of relevant issues such as the volunteer movement and Ukraine's future trajectory. Additionally, a highlight of the evening was the auction featuring a calendar signed by Zaluzhnyi.

Special gratitude is extended to UCC-National Executive Director Ihor Michalchyshyn for skillfully moderating the proceedings. Recognition is also due to Cassian Soltykevych and the UCC Ottawa Branch for their meticulous organization and promotional efforts. Cassian Soltykevych and the UCC Ottawa Branch deserve special recognition for their thorough planning and promotional efforts. Furthermore, great gratitude is extended to Father Taras Kinash and Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral for graciously giving the location and necessary support to make the event possible.


The Romas family's generosity in contributing a painting for future auction to benefit the collaborative effort between UWC and the Prytula Foundation is much appreciated. Lastly, heartfelt thanks are extended to the Ottawa Ukrainian community for their unwavering attendance and steadfast support throughout the event.


"Birds of Freedom – Птахи Свободи" we have raised an impressive $223,016.12 USD!

"Birds of Freedom – Птахи Свободи" we have raised an impressive $223,016.12 USD!

on Sep 18, 2024

UWC President meets with Commander of Ukraine's Ground Forces

UWC President meets with Commander of Ukraine's Ground Forces

on Sep 13, 2024



Ukrainians are fighting to stay alive! Join their fight for freedom.