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on Jul 10, 2023

Successful delivery of vital tactical medical supplies supported by Ukrainian community of Poland

Successful delivery of vital tactical medical supplies supported by the Związek Ukraińców w Polsce Об'єднання Українців у Польщі – Przemyśl Branch and funds raised at their annual Malanka New Years Eve celebration at the Narodnyj Dim - Dom Ukraiński.

Organizers took the initiative to hold a charity auction with proceeds being donated to the initiative of the @uwcongress in support of the needs of frontline combat paramedics.

In total the paramedics of the 38th Brigade of the Ukrainian Marine Corps received:

2 x SAROS 3000 Portable Oxygen Generators 150 x Burnshield Burngel Burn Kits 10 x Tactical Cricothyroidotomy Cric Kits 40 x IT Clamp Hemorrhage Control Devices

An incredible example of what diaspora communities can achieve when working together for the greater good. Thank you to everyone involved!

The war is not over. Support Ukrainian defenders.


Birds of Freedom – Птахи Свободи" fundraising campaign update: Week Two.

Birds of Freedom – Птахи Свободи" fundraising campaign update: Week Two.

on Aug 27, 2024

As Ukraine marks its 33rd year of independence, the need for support is more urgent than ever.

As Ukraine marks its 33rd year of independence, the need for support is more urgent than ever.

on Aug 24, 2024



Ukrainians are fighting to stay alive! Join their fight for freedom.